Pathopure - Drinking water treatment
Pathopure is a stabilized aqueous solution of inorganic salts, hydrogen peroxide and organic anti-bacterials.
Pathopure is used as a drinking water treatment, for the control of Salmonella, E coli, Campylobacter, Clostridium and many other commercially important pathogens in livestock.
In the U.S., the active ingredients of Pathopure are registered for use as disinfectant, biocide, slimicide, algaecide and fungicide, in drinking water, wastewater, and process water systems. They also have FDA approval for disinfection of processed fruits, vegetables and poultry.
Physical Properties Appearance …………………………………Clear, faint blue solution
Specific gravity……………………………………………………………1.37- 1,4
Flash point …………………………………………………………………None
Boiling point …………………………………………………………….. 104 ºC
Odor………………………………………………………………………… Slight
Shipping Information:
200lt Drums
25lt Polycan
5lt Can
Aqueous Solution
UN/ID number: UN 2428
Areas of use and application recommendations:
Pathopure has found wide acceptance as an intervention in pathogen control programmes for many different farmed species. For specific advice on application, please consult a Technical Advisor from Techniblend or consult your Veterinarian. However some general points regarding Pathopure and its application are as follows:
Pathopure is a unique blend of ingredients for the treatment of water to assist in the control of pathogenic bacteria. It is not an organic acid type water acidifier and does not work in the same way as these products do. Similarly it is not an acid peroxide type of product which are commonly used as drinker line descalers and bactericides.
It’s mode of action is unique, and relies on a molecule which initiates the activity of a metabolic pathway shared by many commercially important pathogens, and then providing a second molecule which interferes with this pathway causing the death of the organism.
It’s mode of action in targeting a metabolic pathway only used by pathogens ensures that it selectively targets pathogens. Commensal/digestive bacteria and probiotics are spared from its action as they do not have this pathway.
It can be used in conjunction with other water treatment products such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, bromine and acidifiers, and its mode of action is not affected by them, nor does its activity interfere with them.
If Sodium Thiosulphate is used to clear chlorine from drinker lines prior to vaccine administration, Pathopure will not inhibit the Thiosulphate action.
Pathopure will not interfere with vaccination of virus or dead bacteria but will affect live bacterial vaccines. It is therefore wise to
error on the conservative side and remove any Pathopure treatment at least 24 hours prior to and after vaccination procedures.
Pathopure is not inactivated in the presence of organic material.
Pathopure can be dosed manually or by Dosatron pumps or similar.
Pathopure is safe to use and handle. It is non corrosive as received and in dilute form, and will not affect either rubbers or nipples in drinker systems.
The LD 50 for Pathoure is higher than for common salt. LD 50 (Lethal Dose) is the dosage level required to kill 50% of animals to which the product is given. The higher the LD 50 the safer a product is. This indicates that if ingested Pathopure is safer than a similar strength solution of common salt.
Pathopure has found wide acceptance for its usefulness in assisting in control of pathogens in a wide variety of commercially farmed animals. Dosage will depend on the animal and the severity of anticipated contamination/infection of water.
As a general statement Pathopure is used as a PULSE DOSE TREATMENT. It requires a minimum dosage per day to be effective, and using continuously does not improve treatment or make it quicker. In certain cases it can be administered to feeds as a constant low level background addition for pathogen control. Please consult with Techniblend for further information regarding this type of application.
Some dosage recommendations:
1.For treatment of poultry drinking water to ensure reduction of pathogens in birds prior to slaughter in order to reduce pathogen loading into the Abattoir. For each of the final three days prior to slaughter. Fill header tanks and close off water supply. Add 4 litre Pathopure per 1000lt water in tank( or 0,04ml per kg of live weight).
Allow tanks to be drunk to empty then re open water supply. Repeat procedure each day for the three days. No withdrawal period is required. It is recommended to keep the poultry on the treated water during the catching period.
2. For continuous treatment of water during grow out. Repeat as above in 1 with first water supplied at placement of chicks, and allow chicks to drink all the treated water. Once this initial treated water has been drunk open the fresh water supply and continue with untreated water. At days 10 and 17 and 25 repeat as in section 1 above for three consecutive days,
Treat with Pathopure Bovine, which is a diluted version for use with Dairy and Beef Cattle Mix 20ml of Pathopure Bovine to each liter of milk replacer and offer at morning and evening feedings. Where water quality is very poor or observed scours are present, this dosage can be increased to 40 ml per liter or animals can be directly drenched at this rate.
Treat as above for cattle but treat drinking water.
At placement of chicks treat drinking water at 20 ml per liter. Treat sufficient water to ensure
all chicks have access to treated water for at least an hour. Repeat daily for first seven
days. Thereafter treat water for three days every week, treating sufficient water for all birds
to have access for at least one hour, thereafter treat with untreated fresh water